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The sources are different (one is from God and the other from a university) and the purposes are different (one is to indicate Gods sovereign purpose and the other to to grant academic credentials). Or something like: If you pray once, then confess your healing! Research resources on religious movements, cults, sects, world religions and related issues, Original content Copyright 1996-2023 Apologetics Index, Name it and Frame it Phony Doctorates in the Church, many recipients use the title as though it were an earned one, a schools accreditation may be as phony as their degrees, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne, Dr. Joyce Meyer, Dr. Kenneth Copeland, Dr. Norvel Hayes, Dr. Kevin McNulty, Dr. Thus, I could start my own denomination and open a diploma mill that by cousin Ted and friend Bob accredit for me. Give Him authority over your body. I know of no Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, or any other official denominational, diploma mills. He growled out things like (paraphrased): Confess your healing. . There are two sources for these illegitimate titles: honorary doctorates and diploma mills. While most unaccredited Bible Schools are quite honest about the degrees they award (never claiming them to be doctorates, for example), diploma mills that dispense cheap and easy doctorates (which do NOT involve 10 years of higher education often not even one year of education) are not honest, and those who use (call themselves by) such degrees dishonestly conferred upon them are not being forthright with the body of Christ including you. Still, Dr. is supposed to mean something commonly understood. So what are you doing exactly? :)\u0026list=PLCED9C361662866BD\ Freemasonry for the Satanic Lie it is: This concept in itself is scriptural: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. The following year he added that there were many clergymen who claimed degrees which they could not account for, and many too who never beheld the erudite bodies the degrees of which they nevertheless appended to their names. The Uncompromised Word. I wish this issue received wider attention. I do not plan to repent of siding with God against Satan. Complete Immersion Day or Night. At least he exercised and passed his physical exam. We do not bend the knee to the government with regard to what we teach but we do recognize the standards of excellence our society expects when a doctoral degree is awarded to someone. I said, Keep believin God! Glohree tuh Gud!. The mills overhead is minimal as those who run it do not have to maintain the kind of facilities or qualified staff real schools do. Are there currently accrediting bodies for trade schools or schools which provide continuing education units that operate without a USDOE relationship? For 50 years and counting, the driving force of his ministry has been to teach Christians the principles of faith found in the Bible, so they can be victorious in every area of life. Call our office to request a paper application. Dino, (Kent Hovind), spoke in many churches, always calling himself Dr., though his formal education past high school consisted of an undergraduate degree from an unaccredited Bible College, and a doctorate from a diploma mill run out of the modest home of a man named Lonnie Skinner. Kenneth Copeland, one of the leading preachers of the prosperity gospel, has claimed that God is : very much like you and me having a body, complete with eyes, and eyelids, ears, nostrils, a . And so the cardiologist examined me and he said, Well, you need a pacemaker. Greetings everyone, I just happen to come across this article because I am presently seeking ordination in the state of Texas. [This is wise. Give Him praise. I consider this instrument to be Gods healing too, through his giving wisdom to humans to invent it. Glory to God, I said. Its so easy to assume all of these people are trying to get something for nothing. In 1994, Gloria Copeland was voted "Christian Woman of the Year," an honor given to women whose example of faith and excellence "exemplify godly character and leadership.". All I have to say is that this article is missing one very KEY point, You are forgetting Separation of Church and State! Long after completing my degree, I discovered that an honorary Doctorate of Divinity had been awarded to a Rev Samuel Wainwright by Kenyon College, Ohio, USA in 1870, but for what reason or whether this honouree and my dissertation subject were one and the same person, I have yet to ascertain. Pacemakers, they do. [As noted, not exactly by faith alone or the positive confession of his creative words. And if you think I am mistaken then consider this with what you are saying. Accrediting agencies do not dictate to any denomination what content its schools must teach. I welcome a comment but not endless tirades. Receive the pacemaker by faith. I believe if you will take the time to do that you will find that your specific criticisms do not apply to the article. Legitimate seminaries maintain rigid standards for awarding a doctoral degree and these standards are confirmed by respected accrediting agencies. I appreciate your concern but would suggest that you reread the article to better understand exactly what I do and do not say in it. Kenneth Copeland Gets a Pacemaker. [This is again his positive confession and super-faith. If you believe finding fault is wrong you have defined your finding fault with me to be wrong. Or any day. Either way, stop criticizing things you dont understand and learn how to walk in love towards your fellow brother and sister in Christ. Trade schools that seek to be recognized as legitimate places of quality training do generally seek accreditation with organizations such as the ASSCS, and such agencies are generally recognized by the USDOE (see They only object to accreditation because any real examination of their programs would reveal it to be a sham. Exhortations to repent of disobedience to God are not wrong. . God himself has many titles. Why live a lie? Effectiveness & Efficiency. I have not said anything false in my article and you have not disputed any of the facts. Colonel Sanders did not try to use his phony title to achieve an advanced standing in the military. Its sheer hypocrisy. Did they have his level of faith? Developer at Kenneth Copeland Ministries Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom. Growing your career as a Full Time Proofreader is a fantastic opportunity to develop useful skills. God told him so. Here is the link to the video of his testimony. I am in favor of obeying all of Gods commands and find it strange that anyone would find fault with me for desiring this. If you think God treats misleading misrepresentation lightly in His holy house, you should read the account in Acts 5 regarding Ananias and Sapphira. Seriously, how many ministers really preach at a level which engages the minds of their flock ? I appreciate your comment though I do not know what it has to do with the article above. And there are many Pastors some of the greatest in our time who had Honorary Degrees and had the dignity to carry the title and show it great respect. He has lots of money and no doubt top-of-the-line insurance, plus Medicare. The (rNIV) Revised New International Version of the Bible is the only accepted Scripture within the ELCA at present; as their Study Bibles are now all (rNIV). For ministry, all one needs is the calling and enabling of the Holy Spirit and we do not require doctorates of pastors and evangelists. Further, his demeanor and tone turned him into a TV bully, especially when he mocked doubters, sneering at them and impersonating their (seemingly) weak, helpless tone and words, as if they were whiners for not measuring up to his super-faith: Now Brother Copeland, I didnt get healed! Then he would growl and snap out an answer like this: You didnt have enough faith, and your confession was wrong! Much of the New Testament contains words of correction, yet these words are not evidence of a lack of love. He'll have a face/body transplant in a couple decades, show up as another shyster, and rinse and repeat his process of using fairy tales to manipulate others. I repeat: if you need a pacemaker, get one. Our program is designed to deepen the knowledge, understanding and application of . 817-420-8100 It is high time that the persons who receive honorary doctorate should avoid Dr as title before their names. If a school wants to operate without such accreditation it is free to do so but the degree of excellence upheld by the school is, therefore, suspect and one must, at least, ask why the school avoids any aspiration to the educational standards recognized for the awarding of a degree that they call a doctorate. So does the audience. Not only do phony doctorates lend false credentials to those who hold them, they tend to cheapen our esteem for real doctorates. Dr. Kermit delivered the commencement address, passing along this bit of swamp-wisdom: Ribbit-ribbit-kneedeep-ribbit, which means May success and a smile always be yours even when youre kneedeep in the sticky muck of life. 1. We obey such things as traffic laws imposed by the state and pay taxes (Romans 13:6). While agreeing with Mr Kowalski, and the three responses above, it is perhaps worth pointing out that this is not a new phenomenon. Most secular Ph.D. programs take at least an additional five years to complete when the writing of a dissertation is factored in. In this video, I cite a great article that helps expose Copeland for what he is, a masonic plant in the Body of Christ who has done massive damage. I did two consecutive Electronics degrees at Bangor, the second by unexpected invitation and funded via the ESF. This was an excellent read. Their serious misconduct was in misleading the church with regard to the exact percentage of the sale that they had given. Even as Christians we are bound to obey civil authorities that God has placed over us as long as they do not interfere with our beliefs or our obedience to God (Romans 13:1, 2 Peter 1:13). Kenneth Copeland Ministries Phone Number. What did these great giants of theology do to earn their Doctorate degrees? This deliberate deception is shameful for those who call themselves men and women of God. I think in your case its better for you to trend lightly. I also published a few books which are available on Amazon - several of them about social media and one with . The praise cure. As Kenneth is a closet, secret Freemason who does not want anyone to know this truth, it will be a involving task that needs to look deeply into any specific clues. Kenneth Max Copeland was born on December 12, 1936, in Lubbock, Texas, U.S. to Aubrey Wayne and Vinita Pearl Copeland. Sort by: relevance - date. The KCBC Canada Program Coordinator reports to the Kenneth Copeland Bible College (KCBC) Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Services but assists the KCBC Executive and KCBC Administrative Teams in following the purpose, mission, and vision upon which Kenneth Copeland Ministries is founded upon. Its ridiulous that you have taken the time to even write this article. I did, however, find references being made to such degrees in the prefaces to the 1876 and 1877 Crockfords Clerical Directory. Put the work in. If you really believe this kind of lying to the Holy Spirit is a light matter that is ridiculous to correct I suggest you not read Acts 5:1-11 lest it shake your faith in Gods Word. Of course not. You accuse us of having holier than thou, self-righteous attitudes but you give no evidence or reason for your accusation which seems to be based solely on the fact that I have pointed out some misconduct. . He would die without a pacemaker. They really focus on flesh lead preaching and have little patience for Scripture among those who have a different point of view from themselves. Im glad Copeland got one. Diploma mills are always independent institutions that service anyone who will pay, be they Calvinist, Modified Calvinist, Molinist, Arminian, or just plain confused. I live in Metro-Atlanta, and Mark Rutland is very popular here with his education at Emory University (UMC parochial) locally. Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth TX 76192. Pat Robertson: Net Worth $100 Million . In 1959, Copeland realized his dream and started working for an airline. Kenneth Copeland's Living Legacy of Heresy. He is confessing words of health, hoping to create a new and healthy heart. ], Let me give you a little word of my testimony. I find it ironic that you find fault with me for finding fault! When speculative Masonry began in the 17th century, it adopted the stonemason's tools as symbols to illustrate life lessons. All around you will begin to rise up, like great mountains of victory. The ELCA of course would argue that their verbatim is lead by the Holy Spirit and not their sinful flesh. Those who DID earn a degree usually did so from a fake school. Only the Lord knows the number of his days or where he'll spend eternity but it's safe to say that Copeland will be on the home stretch sometime in the next 20 or so years. This position will work independently and must carry a high degree of . And the Word of the Lord came into me and He said, No, youre too far behind the power curve now. I only critique the practice of diploma mills giving phony doctorates and the practice of people using honorary doctorates as though they were earned. Box 475, Newark, TX 76071; 1- Pastoral recommendation; 2- Personal recommendations; Must be a U.S. citizen; Apply Online Now Email Us Frequently Asked Questions. One can be a very good pastor or evangelist without having a doctorate. As I have said before, doctorates are not required of ministers, but if in the Church we are to use the term doctorate we should do so in a legitimate and honest way. The resources we highlight reflect a variety of perspectives. In this video, I cite a great article that helps expose Copeland for what he is, a masonic plant in the Body of Christ who has done massive damage. The Universal Life Church offers a free Doctorate of Divinity degree for anyone who receives their rubber-stamp ordination. Kenneth Copeland is 80 years old. It looks like he was determined to live by super-faith with his failing heart and ignore medical help. In the Church, we should seek to avoid participation in such scams and be honest and forthright in all of our dealings. Now, Brother Copeland says he is working his way up to 5 minutes per day! Degree Program. Perhaps no diploma mill has been more successful than "Life Christian University," which consists of a group of people with mostly phony degrees who have awarded "doctorates" to dignitaries such as "Dr." Rodney Howard-Browne, "Dr." Joyce Meyer, "Dr." Kenneth Copeland, "Dr." Norvel Hayes, "Dr." Kevin McNulty, "Dr . The organization that accredits the school from which I graduated is the ATS (see and they never meddled in teaching content. The comments section of this article is now closed. Very helpful article, although there are a few technical errors. The title of doctorate is bestowed by educational institutions with a generally agreed upon amount of work involved to obtain the degree. Required fields are marked *. Does it really give them an edge? In the early 2000s they went ahead and got TRACS accreditation. And now that TRACS is under so much scrutiny, by the DOE, Bob Jones University is talking about SACS. in 1964. In 2006, Kenneth Copeland Ministries attempted to raise money to fund a project called Angel Flight 44, which was meant to support aviation relief assistance missions to Haiti. At my age, I only had to do six, but it did the whole nine minutes with the defibrillator in there and didnt set it off, because I received the pacemaker and defibrillator by faith. 89% of the money received goes to ministry. T is true that there ate a lot of fake diploma mills but all unaccredited Bible Schools are not diploma mills. . Kermit has the very same academic qualifications as many notables in the Church, including the late Dr. Jerry Falwell, whose formal education after high school was limited to an undergraduate degree at an unaccredited Bible College. I believe God still heals. Renew your mind to God's desire for your complete health & wellness. . LCU says: "It has been the privilege of Life Christian University to recognize their published works, along with their lifetime ministry achievements in consideration for earned degrees . Keep believin God! John de Ruiter College of Integrated Philosophy, The Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning),, See the contrast between the campus of Columbia Evangelical Seminary ( and the website (,

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