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[132], Scarps associated with Holocene uplift of the Tacoma fault have been traced westward to Prickett Lake (southwest of Belfair, see map). (Not included in QFFDB. Plot Type: X-Section Depth Cumulative # Mag-Time. [70] Although the intervening section has not been mapped, geologists believe the GFFZ connects with the McMurray FZ to the north, and forms the eastern boundary of the Everett Basin. It does bound the north side of the Chehalis basin, but the south boundary of the Black Hills Uplift is more properly the southeast striking Scammon Creek Fault that converges with the DotySalzer Creek Fault just north of Chehalis. [104] Although there is no direct evidence for any major north-striking faults under Seattle, this prospect appears to be endorsed by the geological community.[105]. [9] Not until 1992 was the first of the lowland faults, the Seattle Fault, confirmed to be an actual fault with Holocene activity, and the barest minimum of its history established.[10]. A Tsunami Hits Puget Sound: New Simulation Shows How It Unfolds Toll Free 1-800-523-5044. The last major earthquake on the Seattle Fault occurred around 1,100 years ago, shifting the landscape in Puget Sound. These faults are not quite aligned with the Olympia structure, striking N75W (285) rather than N45W (315). This formation, up to 15km thick, is largely buried (from one to ten kilometers deep), and known mainly by magnetotellurics and other geophysical methods. KUOW Public Radio on Twitter: "A UW researcher says the fault line that Puget Sound quake likely in Seattle Fault zone, geologists say - Phys.org An earthquake occurs along a south-moving fault. The San Juan Island and Leach River faults crossing the southern end of Vancouver Island are significant and undoubtedly connected with the DarringtonDevils Mountain and Southern Whidbey Island faults, and certainly of particular interest to the residents of Victoria, B.C. Whether the faulting continues eastward is not yet determined. (1997), while observing the "remarkable straight boundaries that we interpret as evidence of structural control",[171] refrained from calling this structure a fault. This fault seems to be associated with the Kingston arch anticline, and part of the uplift and basin pattern, but shortened because of the geometry of the SWIF. One study of seismic vulnerability of bridges in the Seattle Tacoma area[4] estimated that an M 7 earthquake on the Seattle or Tacoma faults would cause nearly as much damage as a M 9 subduction earthquake. Sail Date . Full-Time. "We. Puget Sound Earthquake Faults - Seattle Earthquake Faults A Cascadia event could cause dangerous currents in Puget Sound, reaching speeds up to 9 knots in the Agate Passage north of Bainbridge Island and 6 knots off of Discovery Park in Seattle. The DotySalzer Creek Fault does not fully fit the regional pattern of basins and uplifts bounded by faults described above. Let's make your home safer This is just after the terrane carrying the Olympic Mountains came into contact with the North American continent. North Olympic Peninsula VA Clinic at VA Puget Sound health care, 360-565-7420. Puget Sound Energy Maps and Records Non-Disclosure Agreement: (NDA ONLY) ko ru zh es vi hi: PSE Map Request Form and Non-Disclosure Agreement: 07/29/2022: [88] (See the adjacent map. [62] These ridges (part of a broader regional pattern that reflects the roots of the former Calkins Range[63]) are formed of sediments that collected in the Everett basin during the Eocene, and were subsequently folded by northeast-directed compression against the older Cretaceous and Jurassic rock to the east that bound the Puget Lowland. Display Faults. [170] Gower, Yount & Crosson (1985), labelling it "structure L", mapped it from Shelton (near the Olympic foothills) southeast to Olympia (pretty nearly right under the state Legislature), directly under the town of Rainier, to a point due east of the Doty Fault, and apparently marking the northeastern limit of a band of southeast striking faults in the Centralia-Chehalis area. 112 earthquakes in the past 365 days. [156], The Saddle Mountain Faults ("East" and "West", and not to be confused with a different Saddle Mountains Fault in Adams county, eastern Washington[157]), are a set of northeast trending reverse faults on the south-east flank of the Olympic Mountains near Lake Cushman first described in 1973 and 1975. What makes the DotySalzer Fault (and the short Chehalis Fault striking due east from Chehalis) stand out from the many other faults south of Tacoma is its eastwest strike; the significance of this is not known. All this is explained by right-lateral strike-slip motion on the Straight Creek Fault, which initiated about 50 to 48 Ma (millions of years ago). ISNS Ch 5 Flashcards | Quizlet There are numerous other faults (or fault zones) in the Puget Lowland, and around its edges, sketchily studied and largely unnamed. fault Which of the following statements best describes elastic-rebound theory? The Doty fault particularly seems to have gained prominence with geologists since it was associated with an aeromagnetic anomaly,[184] and a report in 2000 credited it capable of a magnitude 6.7 to 7.2 earthquake. It has been suggested that a corresponding change in the character of the SWIF may reflect a change in the direction of regional crustal strain. Hood Canal marks an abrupt change of physiography between the Puget Lowland and the Olympic Mountains to the west. This map of Puget Sound shows the location of the methane plumes (yellow and white circles) detected along the ship's path (purple). The Seattle fault zone is where the forward edge of the slab, coming to the top of the ramp, breaks and slips into the Seattle Basin. Although Washington State's Puget Sound has been shaken every few decades, damage in the region's largest cities, including Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, has only ever been modest. Earthquake Fault Maps in Seattle and Washington State At the northern end the right-lateral McMurray Fault Zone (MFZ) straddles Lake McMurray, just south of the Devils Mountain Fault, and is suspected of being a major bounding fault. Geologic Map. Job Description. It is not known to be seismic indeed, there is very little seismicity south of the Tacoma Basin as far as Chehalis[169] and not even conclusively established to be a fault. 1958 and Geologic Map GM-34 for details.). [99] This last problem is partly solved because there is a locus of seismicity, and presumably faulting, extending from the northern end of the SHZ to the northern end of the Western Rainier Zone (see Fig. [197] This anticline, or uplifted fold, and the narrower width of the northern part of the SWCC, reflects an episode of compression of this formation. Geologic map of southwestern Washington (GM-34). [61], North of Everett is an area of parallel ridges and stream drainages oriented approximately NW-SE, evident even on non-geological maps. [21] The OWL appears to be a deep-seated structure over which the shallower crust of the Puget Lowland is being pushed, but this remains speculative. Do you live in a natural-disaster danger zone? Check this Seattle map This is being obliquely overridden by the North American plate coming out of the northeast, which has formed a bend in the subducting plate and in the forearc basin above it. Tobin says offshore faults tend to cause bigger earthquakes and are a larger tsunami risk. Strawberry Point and Utsalady Point faults, "The Puget Lowland is a north-south-trending structural basin that is flanked by Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks of the Cascade Range on the east and by Eocene rocks of the Olympic Mountains on the west. On the north is the HelenaHaystack mlange (HH mlange, purple in the diagram at right), on the south the Western and Eastern mlange belts (WEMB, blue). In the map above these are represented by the pair of dotted lines at the lower right. These lineaments have been associated with possible zones of faulting in the crust and subducting plate.[212]. [103] Other seismic tomography has tantalizingly suggested three north-striking strands under Seattle, and a fourth just east of Lake Washington. The most striking concentrations of mid-crustal seismicity in western Washington outside of Puget Sound are the Saint Helens Zone (SHZ) and Western Rainier Zone (WRZ) at the southern edge of the Puget Lowland (see seismicity map, right). The SE striking Scammon Creek Fault seems to be terminated by the Salzer Creek Fault (the exact relationship is not clear), with the latter continuing east for another seven miles. [145] This is conformable with some regional tectonic interpretations[146] that put a major terrane boundary between the Olympics and the Puget Lowland, and imply a connection (either via the Discovery Bay Fault, or closer to Port Townsend) to the various faults in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Aeromagnetic anomaly maps (USGS OFR 99-514). [158] Vertical movement on these faults has created prominent scarps that have dammed Price Lake and (just north of Saddle Mountain) Lilliwaup Swamp. East of Puget Sound the basement of the Cascades province is various pre-Tertiary (older than 65 Ma) metamorphic rock. The maps show slightly lower . [138] It arises from the contrast between the denser and more magnetic basalt of the Crescent Formation that has been uplifted to the east, and the glacial sediments that have filled the Dewatto basin to the west. [160] The Canyon River Fault is a major fault in itself, associated with a 40km long lineament and distinct late Holocene scarps of up to 3 meters.[161]. Seattle Fault - Wikipedia Puget Sound, Washington has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. Subsidence dated to between AD 1445 and 1655 has been reported in Mud Bay (just west of Olympia). Seattle Earthquakes, Types of Quakes & Fault Lines - TripSavvy Black squares are urban sewer outfalls, which don't match the bubble plumes' locations. Despite not having active plate tectonics, the eastern United States still experiences earthquakes. [209] Between the Cherry Creek and parallel Tokul Creek faults is a contact between formations of the Western Melange Belt. The Doty fault has been mapped from the north side of the Chehalis airport due west to the old logging town of Doty (due north of Pe Ell), paralleled most of that distance by its twin, the Salzer Creek Fault, about half a mile to the north. Active faults and earthquakes in Washington state Seismic Scenario Catalog NEHRP site class and liquefaction susceptibility Seismic design categories Hazardous Minerals Lahar Hazards Landslides and landforms Inactive and abandoned mines Contact Us Susan Schnur Editor-in-Chief 360-701-6122 DNR is led by Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz This map shows areas of seismic risk from high (red) to low (grayish-green). [218] This would pose significantly greater seismic hazard than currently recognized, especially as the White River Fault is believed to connect with the Naches River Fault that extends along Highway 410 on the east side of the Cascades towards Yakima. [174] Although no surface traces of faulting have been found in either the Holocene glacial sediments or the basalts of the Black Hills,[175] on the basis of well-drilling logs a fault has been mapped striking southeast from Offut Lake (just west of Rainier); it appears to be in line with the easternmost fault mapped in the CentraliaChehalis area.[176]. Relatively shallow crustal earthquakes, generally less than 25km (16 miles) deep, caused by stresses and faulting in the near-surface crustal structures. On the eastern side, where the SWCC is believed to be in contact with pre-Tertiary terranes accreted to the North American craton, matters are different. Five Puget Sound cities likely to feel strong shaking in a megaquake A principal finding is that "[c]rustal seismicity in the southern Puget Sound region appears to be controlled by a key block of Crescent Formation occurring just south of the Seattle fault. 0 magnitude subduction earthquake off the Washington coast would generate a tsunami capable of submerging not only coastal areas but also most of the Puget Sound shoreline . Harold Tobin, a researcher at the University of Washington and director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, says the fault line that caused this disaster is similar to the faults under Puget Sound. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. . If so, this would be a major fault system (over 185km long), connecting the Puget Lowland with the Yakima Fold Belt on the other side of the Cascades, with possible implications for both the OlympicWallowa Lineament (which it parallels) and geological structure south of the OWL. [120] However, the Saddle Mountain fault zone is not quite reciprocally aligned,[121] trending more northerly to where it encounters westeast trending faults (including the Hamma Hamma fault zone) that appear to be a westward extension of the Seattle Fault zone. Seven times in the past 3,500 years, the CSZ has buckled and fractured to produce an earthquake so massive that it left a mark in the geologic record. Turkey's fault line is similar to faults under Puget Sound [53] Reckoned between Victoria and approximately Fall City the length of the SWIF is around 150km (90 miles). South of the OWL a definite eastern boundary has not been found, with some indications it is indefinite.

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