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I live in Tennessee. They both seem to have common results but the results are definitely different when it comes to how it affected their countries. Can you imagine a United States of Latin America? Mhmm. We have seen scandals in the FBI. Others were unemployed persons from the urban slums. Churches controlled more affairs of the state. One of the ships has been badly damaged, with all of its sails torn down. The causes of the revolutions in France and America were very similar. But the revolution soon turned more violent and radical as peasants attacked castles and burned records of their debts. The French were also and oppressed people and wanted a change. And if the hypermagoworld keeps losing, then there can be a hope for a reassessment. it is. It is a through line in the group. We have seen media scandals. And in fact, If youre a typical Republican, you think the average Democrat is a lot more extreme than they are. They need to have a much more clear way to vote like it used to be. And thats the seriously, not literally. Because these are the people who sort of know better, but theres no leader or anybody else who is appealing to the good nature thats inside of them that you hear coming out and is pulling on those best instincts to say we have to resist this. A new nation was born, but it was not entirely egalitarian. Right? But okay. In response, several men from Boston dressed up as Indigenous Americans and threw tea from British ships into Boston harbor. But that, like, the logistics are too hard. American Revolution Vs. French Revolution Compare And Contrast Essay Dont say it. So theyre like, this is stupid. All revolutions have many stages which they go through, these three stages are the main bits of a. And you had a great piece. First, Enlightenment ideas and ideals inspired all of them. And the answer is the one you feed. Because troops were few and conscription unknown, the British government, following a traditional policy, purchased about 30,000 troops from various German princes. During the 1600s there was the English Civil War. Across right wing media. Right? Yeah. The American Revolution set the background for the modern nation state as well as molding the modern Army. So it was a better system than Id seen before. People are really angry or whatever. They just think one might be coming based on what theyre seeing around them. The Enlightenment, which started in France and is associated with writers such as Rousseau and Voltaire, caused those under the thumb of monarchies to begin to recognize the inequality inherent in such systems. Actually, just to back up your point, were calling it the anti anti national divorce sentiment, which is exactly what youre just describing. If that social compact gets threatened, then we face real problems. it. Yeah. And does it not strike anybody strange that you go to four different media houses and theyre all saying the same thing. About all of this rhetoric. This is this is how things go. Whats the solution you get? When electronic voting first started, I would go to my polling place in Tennessee and I would press the button and I would light up all of the people I was voting for, and then I would press vote. They get in and then they start calling the other people names. The all-day siege and capture of the royal fortress by a mob of revolutionaries resulted in more than 100 dead or wounded rioters, as well as the murder of the fortress' military governor, Bernard-Jordan de Launay. Lets listen. From the beginning, sea power was vital in determining the course of the war, lending to British strategy a flexibility that helped compensate for the comparatively small numbers of troops sent to America and ultimately enabling the French to help bring about the final British surrender at Yorktown. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The purpose was to scare people to support the revolution or they would die. He joins Sarah to talk about whether (and how) the United States holds together; and the task of rebuilding trust in our institutions. The American and French Revolution are both remembered in history as two major changes that would shape what we know today. To people who do not agree with you without getting offensive or activating their defenses. Do you think its fair to say that those ideas caused these revolutions? Compare and Contrast Revolutions Flashcards | Quizlet Yeah. Get me David French. People heavily associate the French Revolution with the American Revolution, due to the many general similarities. How did they differ? This is the kind of group where you see the most change. The pheasants were being taxed for everything and it was getting to the point where they couldnt make a living and were losing their land. And yet the most unbelievable things often comes out of their mouths. Almost had a civil war. They both had a time when both sides oppressed the French and British government. He didnt twist the guys arm. Dont trust mail in balloting. But now Im against it because we have to take care of our own people first. And so what I would say And youve said this interesting thing right before those clips about keyboard warriors. So how much have we built sort of this cultural stream that is now so powerful that any given individual cant really stand in front of it anymore and say no more no more And however, here is where I will say that Im seeing some signs of hope. anything. You know, the mainstream media will call it out when the left messes up. But a unified Latin America remained a dream only. In general, the American Revolution was more successful than the French revolution. Within 50 years, the European empires in the Americas would shrink and new nations would spread across the whole of the Americas. I mean, this is where you get West Virginia, for example, East Tennessee. You say, look, I dont fully trust any institution. Yes. And when you say censoring in state run, who do you mean? The French colony was the richest plantation colony in the world, with around 8,000 plantations that produced 40 percent of the world's sugar and about half of its coffee. Because then youre aiming straight at liberty. The American colonies did not want to be associated with British anymore they wanted to break away from their mother country, they wanted to be named their own country. Kelly was right. Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: American Revolutionary War, United States War of Independence, War of Independence, Emeritus Professor of History, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut. Both the American Revolution and French Revolution were the products of Enlightenment ideals that emphasized the idea of natural rights and equality. So it is scary to think about, like, I I dont hope for it and would never wish on it, but its scary and I think that is a possibility just with such polarized ideologies and people seeing that, you know, these things are possible. But heres the problem, Sarah. Every child learns of the American Revolution at least once in their lives. My guest today is David French, newly minted New York Times opinion columnist and author of divided We Fall Americas secession threat and how to restore our nation. Compare and Contrast: The American, French, and Haitian - IvyDuck I mean, if you ask them about Merrick Garland, like, talk about someone whos tanking with them. During the Second Continental Congress in 1776, the representatives adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4. Two priestsMiguel Hidalgo and Jos Morelosled the insurrection, but it was eventually put down by wealthy Creole landowners with the support of the Catholic Church. Many states continued to combine church and state. Its like, thats absurd. Its coming up on eight years since, now. Meanwhile, the Netherlands, which provided both official recognition of the United States and financial support for it, was engaged in its own war against Britain. I I do wanna ask you a question when were when were done about whether or not your feelings have changed at all. Compare And Contrast The American Revolution Vs French Revolution With fear and famine, French peasants arrived outside the Bastille demanding weaponry and getting denied. Mhmm. About living in a blue state. Divisions along racial, class, and ideological lines frequently led to violence. Like, is that really what its about? I mean, I live in California I wanna leave California. Thats about hundred Biden. You know, towards the end of your book, you lay out with what you call it James Madisons vision of pluralism. So was he living up to his ideals? There actually is a body that is overseeing the media right now and determining what is allowed to be said and whats not allowed to be said. A cause of the French Revolution was Louis XIV's pursuit of absolute authority. Right. I mean, its ridiculous the way its run right now. We make this sphere of liberty bigger. Framers of the United States Constitution would use these ideas. So I always say, like, yes, it was a recessive gene that became a dominant gene in part because Donald Trump had a genuine impact and changed a cohort of voters within the Conservative Coalition that, like, actually cared a little bit, maybe about some free market stuff or limited government or like all the normie conservatives, which is I dont know why because I need some broad terms to describe people. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. In the American colonies there was no set divisions of people and power, all social classes were equally affected by the government. and they love their kids and their grandkids. And so if youre talking about succession, what youre often talking about here, if youre looking at sort of historically, I mean, weve had various attempts. Although they did have similarities and differences; it seems as if their results differ more than they compare. It sets the course of the cultural river and you see it in military units. In Haiti, the enslaved fought off the French and overthrew the wealthy plantation owners. Alright. There, they freed a handful of prisoners, seized weapons to defend the city, and beheaded two officials. 4.6. He joins Sarah to talk about whether (and how) the United States holds together; and the task of rebuilding trust in our institutions. Between 1775 and 1825, revolutions across the Americas and Europe changed the maps and governments of the Atlantic world. And one of the most disturbing pieces of data that Ive seen is watching the contrast between Mike Pence and Mitch McConnells approval rating and Donald Trumps after January sixth. Two revolutions, both taking place in the 18th Century, both world-changing. Right. This is actually from just some accumulated clips. Success is one thing all of these revolutions have in common. As French soldiers returned home from the Seven Years' War, they came home to a nearly bankrupt monarchical regime. A goal of the French Revolution was that the third estate became eager to have an actual leader that would pay attention to their needs so they because the National Assembly and agreed on the tennis court oath. And so when you talk to somebody who liked those folks in the focus group, Its like peeling an onion of manufactured distrust. I see this buildup of of, like, a different type of civil war, almost, where its, like, its not a civil war of fighting, its a civil war of works. This means that the French Revolution was a more recent event and was therefore influenced by the ideas and events of the American Revolution. At that time the remedy for this problem was drafting the poor, uneducated and less fortunate members of society. However, there is a difference that makes the American revolution succeeded while the French revolution doesnt. Direct link to David Alexander's post How about World History f. My father-in-law who just passed all the epic times. I mean, there were people who said, and I hear this all the time, or was like, look, as long as they got an r by their name, like, Im gonna wait for them. The war was therefore one fought by small field armies. Compare And Contrast The American Revolution Vs French | And And I said, well, how was your voting experience? However, there are crucial differences that led to their respective results and their . This is a group that dislikes Donald Trump, wants to move on to Ron DeSantis. The thesis of the book is really stated in the first sentence of the book, which is that there isnt any truly national, cultural, religious, social, political trend that is pulling us together more than its pushing us apart. These people arent advocating. Militias, poorly disciplined and with elected officers, were summoned for periods usually not exceeding three months. Good standing. Its been a long time. The American and French Revolutions differ more than just location and language. But the idea that between the two people on January sixth, Trump, who wanted to overturn the election in Pence, who had stood by Trump every second of the four years prior, and who drew the line at a coup was going to then lose his standing and become a what happened to Mike Pences situation. How did Enlightenment ideas, including ideas about sovereignty, contribute to the Atlantic Revolutions? I do not like them. But what do you think? The English Civil War was a war between the Parliamentarians and Royalists in England. Lets listen. States could not support an established church. Corrections? But if youre not exerting that as a force of will, you leave the field to the people who are deadly serious about this stuff. But like for the most part, they were decent people who recognized, like, that Trump is bad. Both these revolutions had the similar cause, effects, and stages that resulted or started them. only as a way they would ask what happened to Tucker is if Tucker started to question what was happening at Fox, Right? Yeah. Many people in that group would say, what happened to Chris Russo? Make a prediction: How important were the Atlantic Revolutions in creating the modern world. Their idea of a compromise is well take only half of what we think we should take. They dont give. They are like to use that an illustration. All revolutions have many stages which they go through, these three stages are the main bits of a, The American Revolution and the French Revolution have similar and different causes to their revolution. In September of 1774, the colonists called the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia and decided not to allow any concessions to the Crown. A revolution is a movement that people do for a change in the government because reasons, such as equality rights. What did the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man have in common? Yes. But in any event, so there are things that they said that I wasnt wild about. So every time somebody says this, Im like, This is deeply stupid. towards conflict, towards division away from honesty, mean, just look at the Fox News revelations regarding the twenty twenty election, there is such an incredible pressure to conform with that Trumpist culture now that its just radiating up and down the rightward part of the spectrum. They dont give you anything back. Though each of these revolutions had its own origins, important figures, and results, they were all tied together by three things. I mean, she definitely appeals to that super far right group and guests who have a coach for him, Georgia. Right. When you think people are good people or youre a news organization, like your obligation is to tell them the truth and they knew the truth and they didnt tell it to people which means they hold them in contempt and they think theyre stupid. The leaders of the French Revolution were inspired by the American Revolution with its established representative democracy. Cause and outcomes of the North American and French Revolution, Compare With tension building between the two powers, the revolution was a battle that formed what America is today. So explain that and why these voters might benefit from a more concrete understanding of pluralism. The third estate created the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen to express these goals. PDF. At least there are a a voice thats different and gives you another viewpoint. The king backed down, but the country was now in revolt, not just in the cities but across the countryside. You were just talking about it, about this latest thing with Fox News and what makes me so mad about that Fox News thing is and you hit this. you can read the same story and here, two totally different sides. Since it numbered only about 42,000, heavy recruiting programs were introduced. For much of the eighteenth century, European empires fought each other all over the globe. I really have mixed feelings about being the first call when national divorce comes up. Thats doctor Seuss. Its pretty much like in good faith But because theyre pouring Fox News and the daily wire and other right wing sources into their ears, they dont have that much context, and they do think that Fox is the most trustworthy, and its all the other people who are wrong, look, people are responsible for their own actions, responsible for things, but they Im most had been poisoned slowly by these institutions. You can throw put any ballots you want it to a box and then watch who count them. From 1790 to 1794, the revolutionaries grew increasingly radical. And then it runs in to the new course of the river. As the ideas spread over the years American and French lives would change slowly. Yeah. And then shes just like, And these socialists that are ruining the country, theyd all be thrown in the gulag. But, like, you know, when we talk to Dans and we ask them about the Supreme Court, for example Mhmm.

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