what did california look like in the 1800stentacles hulu wiki

Immigration to the United States, 1851-1900 | Rise of Industrial 1975: The city embarked on a 25-year multi-billon dollar redevelopment program. For older California families like mine there was an expression, "out in t. Stone was plentiful, and the German colonists constructed sturdy homes with thick walls, exposed timbering, and hand-hewn beams. So in the early 1990s, Cunningham began to research what California looked like when it was teeming with elk and antelope rather than cars and people. The of growth that took place in California during the 19th century brought numerous changes to the state. The nineteenth century opened with a fashion landscape that was changing dramatically and rapidly from the styles of a generation earlier. However, while many Americans looked down on all immigrants, the Chinese were considered racially as well as culturally inferior. | These homes include tall first-floor windows, dual roofs, sloped or curved roofs, porches and decorated rooflines. For a simple Victorian look, keep a straight middle part and use a curling iron to create ringlets. 1804. Answer (1 of 3): Well, it wouldn't have been by 'wagon from' New York to California. By far, the most important accessory of the neoclassical period was the shawl, specifically Indian kashmiris/cashmere (Figs. The fashion landscape had changed radically and rapidly; the way that women dressed in 1800 stood in stark contrast to the dress of a generation earlier. In 1542 Juan Rodrguez Cabrillo was the first European to arrive in what is today California. LeRoy, Louis Hippolyte. In, Jensen, Heather Belnap. In the late 1800s, Second Empire architecture inspired homes in the American Midwest and northeast. Like Altar, Rayn was a center of attraction in terms of employment, and I have seen Pimas, Ppagos and Yaquis equally represented in the City during certain periods. Families brought their own cultures, traditions, and architectural styles. The lake was named for the tule rush (Schoenoplectus acutus) that lined the marshes and sloughs of its shores. Entered the Hermitage in 1923; transferred from the Stroganov Palace Museum in Petrograd. In the early 1800s, the U.S. government sent out expeditions to explore and map the new territory. Scene on the Placerville Route, Celebration of Completion of Flume #8, Cajon Irrigation Company [graphic], Kearny Street from Sutter Street looking North, 907. A matching silk suit, differentiated from pre-Revolutionary suits only by minor evolutions in cut and the scale of the embroidered motifs, was required at the Tuileries Palace (Fig. Then, from age ten through their early teenage years, boys wore short, round jackets and waistcoats with closer-fitting trousers or pantaloons. Homes constructed in the Federalist architectural style pioneered the 19th century American architecture scene. Professor John Wilson (nom de plume, "Christopher North"), 1785-1854, ca. The slim, vertical line of the garments themselves reflected the neoclassical preference for clean geometry expressed in other visual and applied arts (Byrde 23-24; Tortora 313-314; C.W. Flying boats could land on Tulare Lake when landing conditions were unsafe on San Francisco Bay.[11]. 11 - Designer unknown (English). In November of 1806, he attempted to climb the mountain that is named for him. Edinburgh: National Galleries Scotland, PG 708. The women wore short shirts or petticoats of two pieces. Madame Rcamier, ne Julie (known as Juliette) Bernard, 1800. Both breeches and pantaloons were worn, both featuring fall-front openings (Waugh 116). Source: Museum of Fine Arts, Fig. 1810. Very small children, up to age two or three, could be seen without any leg coverings under these frocks (Fig. New homes in the New World were as diverse as the incoming population. Rock formations that are now adjacent often have very different histories. Color and adornment became the nearly-exclusive prerogative of womens fashion. These East coast homes featured linear designs. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Fall-front gown, ca. Still, neoclassicism continued to dominate fashionable dress (Fig. The main form of dress construction was the stomacher or fall front dress. Its formal inception was in 1911. The Yokuts also hunted deer, elk, and antelope, which were numerous along the lake's shoreline. During the late 1800s and first half of the 20th century, many Colonial Revival homes echoed the regal Georgian style. Eddie Murphy Stand-up Comedy, 2). 1800-1809 Accessories, 1800s. The GonzlezAlvarez House purports to be the city's oldest Spanish colonial home from the 1600s. What was like back then: People got gunned down over hands of . After 1923, Inglewood became the Chinchilla Capital of the world when M.F. There's a medieval flavor to the enormous stone chimneys and diamond-pane windows found on many of these homes. The territory was neglected by Spain for more than two centuries (until 1769) because of reports of the region's poverty and a general slowdown of Spanish . Pinterest. On January 24 his carpenter, James W. Marshall, found flakes of gold in a streambed. Given by Miss M. D. Nicholson. The Pilgrims weren't the only people to settle in Colonial America. The wide panniers, conical stays, and figured silks of the eighteenth century had melted into a neoclassical dress that revealed the natural body, with a high waist and lightweight draping muslins (Fig. Indeed, while both womens and mens clothing was radically changing, the shift in menswear was much longer lasting, with its impacts felt even today (Davidson 30; Byrde 91; le Bourhis 116-117). Both wore calf-length dresses, often called frocks. TB in America: 1895-1954. Edited by Valerie Steele, 103-105. We recently asked David Rumsey, a map expert who has been collecting maps since the 1980s, to describe the nature of the map to us. What Was Housing Like in the 1800s? - Reference.com London: The Tate, N01435. City Life in the Late 19th Century - The Library of Congress Chapman brought the animals here from the Peruvian Andes. 2, 7) (Johnston 146, le Bourhis 95, 104). Zieseniss, Charles Otto, and Katell Le Bourhis, eds. A trip to Old Sacramento will give you an excellent idea! In 1848 John Sutter was having a water-powered sawmill built along the American River in Coloma, California, approximately 50 miles (80 km) east of present-day Sacramento. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Dress: M.2007.211.867, Shawl: M.45.3.150. The year 1800 heralded a new century and a new world. It was a seasonal wetland and at times flooded. BED = was a rectangular wooden box, usually 4 feet wide by 10 feet long. Introduction--Early History of the California Coast--A UNDERCARRIAGE = was composed of the wheels, axle assemblies, the reach (which connected the two axle assemblies), the hounds (which fastened the rear axle to the reach and the front axle . Pinterest. Los Angeles started out as El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reyna de Los Angeles del Rio de la Porciuncula in 1781. Jul 16, 2016 Ian Smith The Pullman Palace Car Company, founded by George Pullman, manufactured railroad cars in the mid-to-late 19th century through the early decades of the 20th century, during the boom of railroads in the United States. Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Ansell, John Gregory, and John Trusler. Fig. 10 - Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (French, 1758-1823). 1, 5, 6) (Ashelford 186; Cumming 83). Girl's dress, back view, 1800-1810. Napoleonic Europe, 1805-1815. Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, 1910 On January 8, 1848, James W. Marshall, overseeing the construction of a sawmill at Sutter's Mill in the territory of California, literally struck gold. Miners favored places like California's Santa Barbara, especially after gold was found in the area by the end of the 1840s. Whitework, colored and gilt threads, and chenille were all employed to decorate gowns with a variety of embroidered designs (Figs. Source: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fig. It was also the source of a regional favorite, western pond turtles, which were relished as terrapin soup in San Francisco and elsewhere. Brummell is still considered a true fashion icon and the foundation of dandy theory and philosophy. It was separated from the rest of the San Joaquin Valley by tectonic subsidence and alluvial fans extending out from Los Gatos Creek in the Coast Ranges and the Kings River in the Sierra Nevada. California was home to 5.3 million women, 4.9 million men, and 421,025 children who . The of growth that took place in California during the 19th century brought numerous changes to the state. The Mets Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. The massive influx gave rise to numerous cities and towns, with San Francisco gaining particular prominence. Dr. Jackie Craven has over 20 years of experience writing about architecture and the arts. 4 - William Owen (English, 1769-1825). In the late 1800s, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and immigrate to the United States. A boy remained in the skeleton suit until about age ten; a transitional variation was sometimes worn by older boys in which the short jacket was worn outside the trousers. Placerville, California ca 1850 As more and more miners and prospectors poured into the state, mineral discoveries were made deeper and deeper into the Sierra range, and by the early 1860s mines were being opened on the eastern . 3, 8) (Byrde 27). It was especially fashionable in the evening, carried under the arm, for which occasions it was known as a chapeau bras (Tortora 322; Davidson 200, 226). Megadroughts have parched the West, including present-day California, long before Europeans settled the region in the 1800s. California Gold Rush, rapid influx of fortune seekers in California that began after gold was found at Sutters Mill in early 1848 and reached its peak in 1852. Finally, a girl completed her outfit with headwear similar to adult fashions (Buck 212-217; Rose 43). As the country grew, these early settlers developed not one, but many, uniquely American styles. Fashion Plate: "London Head Dresses", ca. New York: The Brooklyn Museum, 1989.28. That curiosity about the landscape continued as Cunningham got a degree in paleontology at Cal and natural science illustration degree at UC Santa Cruz. Even so, a relatively large group of Chinese immigrated to the United States between the start of the California gold rush in 1849 and 1882, when federal law stopped their immigration. Many "Yankees" traveled thousands of miles to get in on the lucrative fur trade in the West. 1800's - Historical Menswear Girls clothing and womenswear were closely related. Much like today, newspapers of the 1800's listed birth and wedding announcements, discussed local and national events and even estate auctions. Perhaps 500,000 people total, although it's hard to figure out - The indigeneous folk did agriculture (with irrigation, etc.) They were regulars in places such as Kansas's Dodge City. The Visual Culture of Fashion and the Classical Ideal in Post-Revolutionary France., Siegfried, Susan. Shirts were of white cotton or linen with very high stand collars that skimmed the jaw. Expansion also gave them new economic possibilities, such as farming and gold mining. 9). Watercolor; 32.5 x 23.5 cm. Facts About California in the 1930s. A growing Anglomania was shifting menswear even before the Revolution. The original captions on some of the historical photographs may include racial terms that were commonplace at the time, but considered to be derogatory today. In Laguna Beach in the 1880s, some women pose for a picture. A source close to the Venice Film Festival told Variety at at the time that there was no tension around Styles and Pine during the premiere and that a potential spitting incident was flagged by no . There is a painting of grizzly bears resting under a large oak tree and one of them eating the carcass of a whale that has washed up on shore. (Interactive map courtesy of ESRI; Text by Natasha Geiling.). California - California - History: When Spanish navigator Juan Rodrguez Cabrillo became the first European to sight the region that is present-day California in 1542, there were about 130,000 Native Americans inhabiting the area. Oil on canvas; 236 x 149.30 cm. Printed cotton. The felted quality of the material allowed it to be cut with raw edges, and the high collar sloped down into lapels cut with either an M or V shaped notch (Davidson 28). The Air Age began in 1927 when the Andrew Bennett Ranch was leased by Los Angeles and converted into Mines Field (later LAX). Cunningham also includes before and after paintings, such as El Cerrito Plaza in the 21st century and the same spot thousands of years earlier. Located in the stunning Black Hills, there may be no name more evocative of the Wild West than Deadwood. Some of the larger collisions were associated with major episodes of tectonic activityintrusive and extrusive volcanic About 7,000 B.C.E. Purchased with the aid of the Art Fund (Scottish Fund) 1992. Cunningham has created realistic paintings of the early California landscape, beautifully recreated in the book. Breeches extended to the knee where they were fastened with buttons and a buckle or tie (Fig. Custom programming and server maintenance by Reinvented Inc.Reinvented Inc. Answer: A. Jules Amde Barbey dAurevilly wrote Du Dandysme et de Georges Brummell in 1845, which raised dandyism to the level of a philosophical and intellectual pursuit, a trend that continued throughout the nineteenth century. 1 - John Russell (British, 1745-1806). If they overflowed, it was through the Kern River channel northwest through tule marshland and Goose Lake, into Tulare Lake. 1). Chinese Laborers Built Sonoma's Wineries. Racist Neighbors Drove - NPR Houses vary in design depending on geographical location, availability of materials and economic status of families. Chapman brought the animals here from the Peruvian Andes. Font, Lourdes M., and Elizabeth McMahon. Throughout the 1800s and early 1900s, women's swimsuits typically resembled gowns. Source: The Tate, Fig. In the 1850 s, Chinese workers migrated to the United States, first to work in the gold mines, but also to take agricultural jobs, and factory work, especially in the garment industry. 2009, Regents of the University of California. Fashion Plate: "Mourning dress" for "Ackermann's Repository", September 1, 1809. Silk. Notably, as discussed in Womenswear, Napoleon brought back the court costumes of the ancien rgime, which had disappeared in France during the Revolution. Advertising Notice Before the discovery of gold, the territory's population was approximately 160,000, the vast majority of whom were Native Americans. Although it was estimated that some $2 billion in gold was extracted, few of the prospectors struck it rich. Late Desert Culture, Northwest Coast, Late Cultures, Central California, Late Canalino, Plains Bison Hunters, Panhandle Plains, Middle Missouri, Fremont. In February and March 1938, heavy rains flooded the San Joaquin Valley, causing Tulare Lake to break the levee near Corcoran and flood 28,000 acres (11,000ha) of cropland. Glasscock, Jessica. Fashionable women consciously sought to reproduce the supposed fashions of Ancient Greece or Rome. Travel across the United States with gold miners to explore the dynamics of the California Gold Rush, Observe mining methods used during the California Gold Rush, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/California-Gold-Rush, California Department of Parks and Recreation - Gold Rush Overview, California Gold Rush - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Portrait of a Man, 1809. Shoes ran $2.50 a pair. Human history in California began when indigenous Americans first arrived some 13,000 years ago. The parish registers of Nuestra Seora del Rosario in Rayn commence in 1813 and the registers for nearby San Miguel Arcngel in San Miguel de Horcasitas begin in 1750. The emigrants get there by various easier means such as riverboats or railroads. OVERVIEW The nineteenth century opened with a fashion landscape that was changing dramatically and rapidly from the styles of a generation earlier. Beginning in the previous decade, men abandoned the practice of powdering their hair and cropped it short, creating a natural, tousled appearance (Fig. In the area now known as Rhode Island, limestone was a readily available building material. A Rare Look Inside Victorian Houses From The 1800s (13 Photos) We've always lived in and been fascinated by old houses. The California Gold Rush. But likely those picturesque houses are romantic Spanish colonial revivals. 8 - Designer unknown (British). Early California History: An Overview | Articles and Mexican American history in California had begun. This 1859 map of San Francisco was extremely utilitarian. Thomas Edison, one of the world's most prolific inventors, thought electric vehicles were the superior technology and worked to build a better electric vehicle battery. 3). Source: The Met Digital Collections, Fig. The instep strap on pantaloons is attributed to Brummell as a mechanism to maintain a taut line (Byrde 94). Basically, the wagons depart from the 'edge of civilization'. A look at a sailing chart of San Francisco and its bay, made in 1859 by the fledgling US Coast Survey. Gift of Woodman Thompson. The US Coast Survey drew the chart, perhaps as one of their earliest projects. To discover primary/period sources, explore the categories below. The houses are as humble, unadorned, and practical as their occupants. Posted by Harper Franklin | Last updated Aug 18, 2020 | Published on Jun 25, 2020 | 1800-1809, 19th century, decade overview. The three basic elements were the coat, the waistcoat, and breeches or pantaloons. Pelisse, ca. Court costume, ca. The Broadway lumber yard is a bustling place, as people shop for lumber to build the new city of Oakland. Khan Academy Psychology Videos, Large portions of the chest and back were bared even in day dresses, sleeves were short, and draping muslin revealed the shape of the leg (Fig. Before the Victorian era, children as young as 6 or 8 years old might work in a mill or factory, they might run errands and make deliveries for a store keeper, they may be apprenticed to a skilled . The US Coast Survey was a very young organization in 1859, but they spent a lot of time making charts of San Francisco, Rumsey says. Source: Wikipedia, Fig. The straighter, slimmer appearance of the 1800s was also echoed in the bodice back which featured seams that created a distinctive kite or diamond shape and gave a very slim, small-backed effect. Between 1600 and 1800, men and women poured in from many parts of the world, including Germany, France, Spain, and Latin America. Pull most of them back into a bun while letting a few trail down around your face. 1804 Joseph Marie Jacquard invents the jacquard loom, which used punch cards to create complex designs. 270. 1800-1847. His was a dandyism of austere refinement, one in which the man shines through the clothes (Byrde 94-95; Cicolini). Facts About California in the 1930s. Sturdier printed cottons and patterned silks were common for daywear, and warmer wools were acceptable in the winter months (Figs. 7 - Designer unknown (Probably British). Washoe Indians--The Chief's Family. You can also go with shorter, heeled booties for a later-1800s look. Privacy Policy (function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src="https://cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); The Fashion History Timeline is a project by FITs History of Art Department. The images in this topic portray the new state of California as it was taking shape and its citizens were taking root: At the Slough School in Sutter County, and in Visalia, teachers stand with their students. You may like:Massive Victorian mansion built in the late 1800s on the Ohio River is a design phenomenon "What I think is neat," Moll added, "is it is open to everybody. Prehistoric La Brea Woman imagined in display at La Brea Tar Pits & Museum. 3) (Waugh 119). The Mississippi was the backbone of the country, and people traveled up and down it constantly. This was not an innovation; it was simply the English country dress that was on the ascendancy throughout western menswear. England's defeat in the War of 1812 also removed barriers to . New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 32.35.10. Father of the Forest--near view. Elevated as a style icon, he presaged the contemporary dominance of fashion and celebrity. (Cicolini). By sixteen years of age, a girl was considered a young woman, lowering her hem all the way to the floor (P. Cunnington 194). They featured stand collars and could be made of a variety of materials, solid or patterned; indeed, most of the color left in mens clothing retreated to the waistcoat (Fig. California and the American Southwest are also home to Pueblo Revival homes that combine Hispanic styling with Native American ideas. Follow Us: Americans moved to the West in the 1800s because people wanted to own their own land and get a fresh start. 1). Dress historian Hilary Davidson wrote that mens court clothing during the early nineteenth century was the last bastion of eighteenth-century styles (210). Cunnington 26). An African American man identified as Andy stands working at a sluice box in Auburn during the Gold Rush. Native Americans and the California Gold RushExcerpts from Exterminate Them: Written Accounts of the Murder, Rape, and Slavery of Native Americans During the California Gold Rush, 1848-1868 Edited by Clifford E. Trafzer and Joel R. Hyer Published in 1999 Source for information on Native Americans and the California Gold Rush: Westward Expansion Reference Library dictionary. Where did the ice come from? Understanding California's Bay Delta in 63 Photos | KCET What Did San Francisco Look Like in the Mid-1800s? 6 - Jens Juel (Danish, 1745-1802). What Did People Eat In The 1800s? Around the same time, he created the world's first hybrid electric car -- a vehicle that is powered by electricity and a gas engine. 1875. Empire Style, 18001815. The Mets Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, n.d. Vintage Fashion Guild. ThoughtCo. Consistent with this mission, the Timelines written commentary, research, and analysis provided by FIT students, faculty, and other members of the community is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Two Chinese men seated at a table. Mammoth Grove, Calaveras county, Tennis Court at Laguna Beach in the early 1880s, Portrait of Slough School students in 1868 in Sutter County (Calif.), 159. 1882. 12 Maps of America From Before We Knew What It Looked Like - Gizmodo 1967: The city of Long Beach purchased Cunard's former luxury cruise liner, the Queen Mary, to be docked in Long Beach Harbor as a major tourism attraction and hotel. Given by Mr James Laver CBE. Presented by the Rev. When Germans traveled to North America, they settled in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Maryland. 5 - Designer unknown (English). In 1804, Napoleon declared the Empire, becoming Emperor, and he revived the luxury and pomp of the ancien rgime, instituting lavish court dress once again. 1, 5, 10) (Tortora 317; Foster 22, 26). Importantly, part of the neoclassical ideal was the beauty of the natural, nude body. They began to slowly be accepted as informal wear, especially at the seaside (Davidson 258-259; Foster 28; Byrde 93). old saddles and gear of 1800s - Pinterest More than a quarter of California residents are immigrants, while nearly one in four residents is a native-born U.S. citizen with at least one immigrant parent. Fleeing crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine, many came to the U. S. because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity. There were two main types of coats, both versions of the tailcoat: the dress coat and the riding coat. The result is A State of Change: Forgotten Landscapes of California, a remarkable picture book published in October by Berkeleys Heyday Press. Nankeen. 5) (C.W. Westward expansion in the United States dates back to the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, which doubled the size of the country. Coastal exploration by the Spanish began in the 16th century, with further European settlement along the coast and in the inland valleys following in the 18th century. In her 2001 book Pantaloons and Power, fashion historian Gayle Fischer states that this was the decade when: "Men gave up their claims to ornamentation, colors, and lace, and adopted a more uniform style of dress, thereby making fashion and all its accoutrements the sole province of . It was the idea of Spanish Governor Felipe de Neve who wanted a pueblo, a town, to provide food for southern California. Vernal pools, protected lagoons, grassy hills rich in bunchgrasses and, where the San Francisco Bay is today, ancient bison and mammoths roaming a vast grassland, reads a description on the Heyday website. Christmas in 19th Century America. ta. The well-built period house may be found in an urban, village or rural environment and will usually have two to three feet of . Source: Pinterest, Fig. Before the discovery of gold, the territorys population was approximately 160,000, the vast majority of whom were Native Americans. Lieut-Colonel Bryce McMurdo, ca. Rogers Fund, 1932. Printed cotton. The California Gold Rush peaked in 1852, and by the end of the decade, it was over. Produce moved on small boats along canals and rivers from the farms to the ports. Dress, 1805. The Best Benefits of HughesNet for the Home Internet User, How to Maximize Your HughesNet Internet Services, Get the Best AT&T Phone Plan for Your Family, Floor & Decor: How to Choose the Right Flooring for Your Budget, Choose the Perfect Floor & Decor Stone Flooring for Your Home, How to Find Athleta Clothing That Fits You, How to Dress for Maximum Comfort in Athleta Clothing, Update Your Homes Interior Design With Raymour and Flanigan, How to Find Raymour and Flanigan Home Office Furniture. Maps 1951-1973. London: The Victoria & Albert Museum, E.564-1956. Harper holds a Masters degree in Fashion and History Studies: History, Theory and Museum Practice from the Fashion Institute of Technology. When the visitor inquired about them, the valet responded, Those, sir, are our failures (Laver 160). The spencer was also worn. what did california look like in the 1800s - Weird Things Either were appropriate in the daytime, but for evening wear, cream breeches paired with a black or blue dress coat, white waistcoat, and stockings were considered correct (Byrde 93; Johnston 14). The Shasta Pack was last detected November 2015. 4), but afternoon or best dresses were in fine white muslin. These homes, which may be called Federal or Adam, were given porticoes, balustrades, fanlights, and other decorations. In Yosemite, a Native American gathering was captured by photographer Eadweard Muybridge. Lambert, Anne Thrse de Marguenat de Courcelles, John Scott, and Edward Augustus Kendall. Hand-colored etching. These were an element of the skeleton suit, a garment that originated in the 1780s (Fig. It was made in a variety of shapes, usually in felt; although the silk top hat began to be seen around 1803, it was not perfected until the 1830s (Ginsburg 85-86; le Bourhis 112-113). The dress coat was cut in at the waist, either straight across or in an inverted U-shape (Figs. [4] During wet years, the lake was the terminus of the Western Hemisphere's southernmost Chinook salmon run via the San Joaquin River.[5]. The Dust Bowl and the American Farmer Flashcards | Quizlet, Understanding California's Bay Delta in 63 Photos | KCET. Large steamships carried goods and people from port to port. London: Thames & Hudson, Ltd, 2012. . Birmingham, U.K.: Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 1938P680. Craven, Jackie. The Yokuts had once numbered about 70,000. There are around seven railroads coming into the city. . Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Between 1600 and 1800, men and women poured in from many parts of the world, including Germany, France, Spain, and Latin America.

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